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I have extensive experience teaching in all areas of linguistics, corpus and computational linguistics and digital humanities / philology. This page provides information of my teaching in the current semester as well as past courses in chronological order and by area of expertise.

teaching experience according to topic areas

Foundations of linguistics

Introduction to linguistics I and II with Tutorials
Phonetics and phonology
Morphology and word-formation

current semester - winter 2020-21

semestercourse title
winter 2020-2102-15-2001-vl Lecture Digital Humanities
02-15-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1076-se Corpus and computational linguistics I
02-15-1073-ue Korpusverarbeitung: Programmieren für Korpuslinguisten
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloqium Corpus and Computational Linguistics
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloquium Digital Philology
02-et-0007-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung Bachelor of Arts / Joint Bachelor of Arts Digital Philology
02-et-0011-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung Master of Arts Linguistic and Literary Computing

previous courses -- chronological archive

semestercourse title
summer 202002-et-0011-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung MA Linguistic and Literary Computing
02-15-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-15-1067-vl Digitale Philologie: Einführung
02-15-1068-ue Übung Digitale Philologie: Einführung
02-15-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-15-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-15-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloquium Corpus and Computational Linguistics
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloquium Digital Philology
winter 2019-20Corpus processing: programming for corpus linguistics
Forschungskolloqium Digital Philology
summer 201902-et-0011-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung MA Linguistic and Literary Computing
02-15-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-15-1067-vl Digitale Philologie: Einführung
02-15-1068-ue Übung Digitale Philologie: Einführung
02-15-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-15-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-15-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloquium Corpus and Computational Linguistics
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloquium Digital Philology
winter 2018-1902-15-2001-vl Vorlesung Digital Humanities
02-15-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1051-tt Tutorium Einführung in die Linguistik I
02-15-1076-se Corpus and computational linguistics I
02-15-1073-ue Korpusverarbeitung: Programmieren für Korpuslinguisten
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloquium Corpus and Computational Linguistics
02-15-1090-se Forschungskolloquium Digital Philology
02-et-0007-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung JBA/BA Digital Philology
02-et-0011-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung MA Linguistic and Literary Computing
summer 201802-et-0011-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung MA Linguistic and Literary Computing
02-15-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-15-1083-se Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat: British Political Speeches in a linguistic and historical perspective
02-15-1092-ko Forschungskolloquium Digital Philology
02-15-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-15-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-15-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
winter 2017-1802-et-0007-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung JBA/BA Digital Philology
02-et-0011-ov Orientierungsveranstaltung MA Linguistic and Literary Computing
02-15-1076-se Corpus and Computational Linguistics I
02-15-2001-vl Digital Humanities
02-15-1050-gk Introduction to linguistics I
02-15-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to linguistics I - Gruppe A und B
02-15-2007-ue Processing Digital text: Corpora and Corpus Tools
02-15-1073-ue Korpusverarbeitung: Programmieren für Korpuslinguisten
summer 201702-15-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-15-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
02-15-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-15-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-15-1092-ko Forschungskolloquium Digital Philology
02-15-1092-ko Kolloquium Digitale Linguistik
winter 2016-17Research colloquium BA Digital Philology
02-15-1076-se Corpus and computational linguistics I
02-15-2001-vl Lecture Digital Humanities
02-15-1050-gk Introduction to Linguistics I
02-15-1051-tt Tutorial Introduction to Linguistics I - Groups A, B
02-15-2007-ue Processing digital text: corpora and corpus tools
02-15-1073-ue Korpusverarbeitung: Programmieren für Korpuslinguisten
summer 2016Orientierungsveranstaltung MA Linguistic and Literary Computing (LLC)
02-15-1092-ko Forschungskolloquium Digital Philology
02-15-1052-gk Introduction to linguistics II
02-15-1067-vl Digitale Philologie: Einführung
02-15-1068-ue Übung Digitale Philologie: Einführung
02-15-2011-ue Methods and Techniques for Natural Language Processing
02-15-2009-se Computer Applications in Linguistics
02-15-2010-ue Standard Tools for Linguistics and Humanities Computing
winter 2015-16VL Digital Humanities
S Developments and challenges of corpus and computational linguistics
Ü Processing digital text: corpora and corpus tools
GK Introduction to linguistics I
Tutorial Introduction to linguistics I (tutors Lisa Scharrer, Anna Meisinger)
UE Techniken philologischer Recherche (with tutor Anna Meisinger)
summer 2015S Political speeches: historical and linguistic perspectives (with Detlev Mares, Historical Institute)
S Research topics in corpus and computational linguistics
S Computer applications in linguistics
Ü Methods and techniques in Natural Language Processing
Ü Standard tools for linguistics and humanities computing
winter 2014-15Ü Verarbeitung digitaler Texte: Corpora und Corpuswerkzeuge
V Digital Humanities
V Linguistic schools and theories
S Corpus linguistics
Ü Corpus linguistics
summer 2014S Computer applications in linguistics
Ü Methods and techniques in Natural Language Processing
Ü Standard tools in linguistics
S Research topics in corpus and computational linguistics
winter 2013-14V Current topics in linguistics (with tutorial)
V Schools and theories in linguistics
S Corpus linguistics
Ü Corpus linguistics
V Digital Humanities (with Andrea Rapp)
Ü Processing digital text: corpora and corpus tools
summer 2013S Computer applications in linguistics
Ü Methods and techniques in Natural Language Processing
Ü Standard tools in linguistics
S Historical corpus linguistics
winter 2012-13V Introduction to linguistics (with tutorial)
S Texture
S Corpus linguistics
Ü Corpus linguistics
summer 2012Lehre im Rahmen der Gastprofessur an der Universität des Saarlandes:
S eHumanities
Ü eHumanities
PS Gender-specific science writing
winter 2011-12V Introduction to linguistics (with tutorial)
V Schools and theories in linguistics
S Corpus linguistics
Ü Corpus linguistics
summer 2011S Computer applications in linguistics
Ü Methods and techniques in Natural Language Processing
Ü Standard tools in linguistics
S Register and Genre
winter 2010-11S Text: lexical, grammatical and structural patterns
V Introduction to linguistics (with tutorial)
V Schools and theories in linguistics
S Corpus linguistics
Ü Corpus linguistics
summer 2010S Computer applications in linguistics
Ü Methods and techniques in Natural Language Processing
Ü Standard tools in linguistics
S Frame Semantics
S Die Version aus dem Griechischen – Deutsche Epigrammübertragungen seit dem 17. Jh. und Edition einer Sammlung von Übersetzungsversuchen (1774) (with Ulrich Joost)
winter 2009-10V Schools and theories in linguistics
S Corpus Linguistics
Ü Corpus Linguistics
Ü Text corpora for linguistic and literary computing
summer 2009Ü Methods and techniques in Natural Language Processing
Ü Exercises in corpus-based register analysis
Ü Standard tools in linguistics
S Computer Applications in Linguistics (CAL)
winter 2008-09S Corpus linguistics
Ü Corpus linguistics
V Schools and theories in linguistics
Ü Text mark-up (TEI, XML)
summer 2008S Lexicology
Ü Standard tools in linguistics
Ü Methods and techniques in Natural Language Processing
S Computer Applications in Linguistics (CAL)
winter 2007-08V Introduction to linguistics (mit Tutorial)
V Language change: contact and variation
S Register and genre
S Linguistic knowledge representation
summer 2007Ü Text corpora and electronic editions
Ü Standard tools for linguistics and humanities computing
Ü Methods and techniques of natural language processing (NLP)
S Computer Applications in Linguistics (CAL)
winter 2006-07S Multimodality
PS Grammar
PS Corpus linguistics
Ü Tools in linguistic and literary computing
summer 2006PS History of the English Language
PS Semantics
PS Theories of 20th century linguistics
S + Ü Computer Applications in Linguistics (CAL)
winter 2005-06PS Collocations
V Introduction to linguistics (mit Tutorial)
S Corpus applications in linguistics and literary studies
summer 2005V Introduction to linguistics
S + Ü Computer Applications in Linguistics and LSP (vierstündig)
winter 2004-05V Introduction to linguistics
PS Knowledge representation
summer 2004V Introduction to linguistics
PS Corpus-based analysis of LSP (with Elke Teich)
OS Linguistisches Kolloquium (with Britta Hufeisen and Elke Teich)
winter 2003-04PS Language and conceptualisation
summer 2003V Introduction to linguistics
S Syntax
OS Linguistisches Kolloquium (with Britta Hufeisen)
winter 2002-03PS Languages in contact
PS Semantics: introduction to the study of meaning
K Computerkurs: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, HTML Basics (during semester break)
summer 2002V Introduction to linguistics
PS Morphology and word-formation
Language Course II
winter 2001-02PS Theory and practice of effective written and oral communication for scientists and engineers (with Jana Kaiser)
PS Linguistic data processing: empirical methods in linguistics
K Language Course I
S Deutsch – Englisch / German – English (with Rudolf Hoberg)
summer 2001V Introduction to applied linguistics
PS Cognitive linguistics
winter 2000-01K Introduction to English studies
S The internet in language teaching and research (with Leslie Siegrist)
PS Linguistic data processing
summer 2000V Introduction to linguistics
winter 1999-00V + S Syntax models (with Leslie Siegrist)
summer 1999V Introduction to linguistics
winter 1998-99PS Computer corpus lexicography
summer 1998V Introduction to linguistics
PS Phonetics and phonology
winter 1997-98PS Lexical semantics
summer 1997V Introduction to linguistics
PS (Meta-)lexicography
winter 1996-97PS Introduction to corpus linguistics
summer 1996V Introduction to linguistics
PS Idiomatic English usage (mit Leslie Siegrist)
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (05.-06.1996 Tempus-Tacis Project, Udmurt State University, Izhevsk)
winter 1995-96PS Morphology and word-formation

teaching.1602921479.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/17 09:57 by sabinebartsch